Well Noah is still doing good. He is growing like a little weed. Got weighed today and he now weighs 14lbs 7 ounces! He loves to eat now. Cannot feed him enough. Still taking everything by bottle! We only use the tube for venting and medicines! He gets the advantage of not having to taste them! LOL! We both ended up with the flu this past week. It was aweful. I have never been so sick in my life. I couldnt keep anything down and had to go to the ER on Wednesday and have fluids pumped into me. Noah got it on Thursday and we were in the ER until 1am with him. But we are both better. He is still doing ok with lifting his head. He isnt fully doing it yet. But Physically therapy comes in every Thursday and we have Occupational therapy coming in now on Wednesday afternoons
Speaking of Occupational Therapy I have started an online College Penn Foster going to school to become an Occupational Aide. I figured we had such a difficulty getting it for Noah in York County that they must need help and it would be a good field to get into cause then I would be able to help Noah as well. So I'm excited and I started this week. I'm just waiting for my first books to come in the mail.
Noah has found his hands and always has them in his mouth. He has THREE teeth on top AND TWO teeth on bottom now. 5 teeth at 9 months old. I cannot believe he is almost 9 months. NEXT WEEK! Time goes by to quickly! He is finally looking into mirrors and finding interest! He is getting there. Finally!
Life is pretty good right now. Still working for CLYNK and its such a great company to work for. Very understanding. Very friendly. And I enjoy going to work everyday! I think I may try to stay with this part time when I get my certificate or degree for Occupational Therapy! Well thats it for now. I try to keep you all updates as often as I can!