Noah is doing much better. He makes progress everyday. He is starting to do very well with his head control. Looking at this picture he is actually sitting on the couch "pulling his own head foward and still keeping it centered." He doesnt hold it for long periods very often but he is getting better at it. Our goal is next month! I want him holding it for his One Year thats what we are striving for!!!
I cant believe he is going to be one next month. Time has gone so quickly. I have loved watching him grow. Not as quickly as other children but at his own pace. He is doing so good.
Life seems to be on one of those upward curves right now. It is wonderful but Im constantly reminding myself to think positive because I keep looking over my shoulder for it to start coming crashing down again. My luck is never this good. But I like it.
As you can tell by the pictures Noah got his haircut for the first time the end of March. I wanted it short enough to spike so she cut it short enough....but it still wont spike because he has such fine hair. LOL! Oh well....
Yesterday he got baptised. We had some of our family and friends there. It was a nice ceremony and after everyone came to the house to celebrate with Hamburgers, Hot dogs & cake! WE all had a good time. Special visit with his Uncle Ryan who he had never met before, Tiffany and EVEN his half sister came to see him. God brought the sunshine to us even though the newsman had called for rain. It was a wonderful and special day.
His siezures are slowly slowing down. Last month he gave us quite a scare and the doctor put him on another siezure med. This medicine has seemed to help out. He now has siezures about once a day sometimes every other day. Which is an improvement!!!! And when he does have them they last for shorter times....
Noah is doing well....Im doing well....... Life is looking up!!!
Keep praying!!! Its working!!!
We love you all....