Well Noah and I were able to come home yesterday afternoon. His flu swab came back negative! Thank Heavens! He still isnt quite back to his normal self but each day he seems better and better. This morning he seems quite sleepy, but the poor guy has gone through so much. He slept ALL night last night - he must have been relieved to be home too. I know I was. The doctors think that he just had a Viral Bug that wasnt the flu that just hit him really hard. Hopefully thinks will get better quickly. Going to spend the day at home for the next couple of days and let him rest and relax.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
Another Visit to MMC
So we have been doing so well for such a long stretch. But thursday Noah started to become fussy and aggitated. Took him to the doctors and they said he had fluid in the right ear and they sent us home. Sunday he was really fussy and wouldnt sleep. Took his temp at 4am and it was 101.8 gave him tylenol and took it again at 9am. It had only dropped to 100.4. Took him to his pediatricians office. They looked in his ears and said "his left ear is worse than I ever have seen it." By the time I got him home and gave his his meds he was breathing funny. I hooked him up to his pulse oximeter which read that his oxegyen was 83-89%. Called Ped. told me to bring him to ER. On the way to the ER his reading got better 92-95%. So I called back and she was ok with her if I took him home but if his levels dropped again I needed to bring him. Got home and a hr after his heart rate started increasing over 200. Took him to the ER and they admitted him immediately. His temp was over 104.
After using Noah as a pin cushion they finally got blood from him and his culture looked ok. The took urine and that looked fine. They swabbed him for the flu and that I was just told takes 72 hrs to get back the results. So Noah and I are in MMC yet again. The nurses and dr's need to robe up and put masks on before they enter the room. He is under precaution. Looks like we are here till Thursday probally..ick...
He does seem to be better today. He does seemed to have broke his temp. but he does still look pale. He had a siezure at 2am this morning and it lasted for about 6-7 minutes. But that is to be expected during illness. Today all he wants to do is sleep. But sleep is probally good for him. Although as I write this message he is in his crib kicking his feet and smiling. And he loves flirting with all the pretty nurses. Typical boy. LOL
Posted by Noahsmom2007 at 2:03 PM 0 comments