Wednesday, February 3, 2010

On our way!

Well this last week has been a little stressful. Noah has been seeming to get worse and worse (phemonia), I was very anxious about his appt. yesterday. Knowing that the news was not going to be great. Indeed I was right. The doctor did not like how he sounded at all and had us go downstairs for another chest xray, and changed his meds. Gave him the new med last night and he slept from 630pm straight through to 715am. I couldnt believe it. He sounded so much better this morning. The doctor called this afternoon that she couldnt believe it but the xray didnt show any signs of infection. She wants us to finish the meds but she thinks he probally has a cold or something. Which would kinda makes sense since mommy does!
I went to the doctors on Monday because I have been congested and my ear killed me all weekend. Most of the weekend it felt as if I had water in my ear! No ear infection just fluid but I do have a sinus infection. Been pretty miserable the last week. Feel better but still not 100%.
However, more amazing news is that Noah's new siezure med to replace the phenobarbitral due to the allergic reaction. The clonopin seems to be working (knock on wood) he has been sleeping great at night. I think the past few weeks Ive got more sleep than I have got since he was born...well after the first two weeks of sleeping all day and night(when I thought I was gonna have it easy---ha!ha!) We have had maybe one or two nights that were tough but he's been going down about 930-10pm and sleeps till 4-5am, wants to be held-or put in mommy's bed and sleeps til 7-8am! (knocking EXTREMELY hard on wood-lol). But it has been a wonderful change, and I hope it continues! It seems to be doing ok with siezure control as well. There have been a couple of days that he has had head/body tremors but nothing substantial! And I honestly havent seen any at all for the past few days! YAY GOOD NEWS FOR ONCE!
He has seemed to be more alert as well. Maybe its my wishful thinking but he seems to see more. Sometimes I catch him watching TV exspecially----- Erik enjoys this!!!!
Things on the relationship aspect have been really good lately. We have had a few rough patches the last couple of months but I am really blessed to have found such a wonderful guy. Its nice to have someone hold me and comfort me on the stressful days. This last month has been really tough on me emotionally with all the hospital visits and one thing after another and Erik has really stepped in and been my rock! Im so thankful and sometimes I dont show it as much as I should. THANKS BABY~
The girls are doing well. I really enjoy stepping up and being there mom. Some days can be challenging but Im always up for a challenge!!!
Well the next step with Noah is to get his spinal xrays and hip xrays done. The chest xray did show that his spine has a curve to it- this makes me really nervous and I hold my breathe just typing this. So I want to get this done as soon as possible! Ive had the slips for this for a couple months but one thing after another and Ive put it on hold. Now is the time to get it done.
My weight loss is coming along s.l.o.w.l.y. but for sure. This week I wieghed in with a .75 pound loss. Not a lot but with being sick and stressed I will take it as a loss. And continue on this journey.