Well last night was 100% better than the night before. Except for the nurses LOL! but Noah is feeling better I think. He still is a little sore when he is moved but not nearly as bad as yesterday and the night before! He is drinking more and more as
he feels better. We started off with 30ml yesterday and by the end of last night and the beginning of this morning he has been taking 70ml. Our goal is 110ml so we are well on our way! He was also weighed last night with a shocking result of 12 pounds 15 ounces!!! EXCITING!
I cannot believe it this morning- as I write this he is sleeping in his crib. Usually he has needed to be rocked or bounced to sleep- at the very least held....well Mr. Noah fell asleep playing in his crib this morning. I'm shocked! Maybe we ARE well on our way to happiness and health!
Cannot wait to get out of this hospital (hopefully tomorrow) the hospital staff is really getting on my nerves. But I am so happy that he is feeling better and we know what is going on. Although it wasnt the best results to find out we have our answers and now we have a sollution to his failure to thrive. And he is going to be fine, all that matters is he is here and he is loved.
Thanks so much everyone for your support. It helps knowing we have the support and love you have all given us and are still giving us. I couldnt do this without all of you.
YAY!!!! He is finally making progress everyone! I have been waiting for this for months!
Hi Beth! This is Deanna from Clynk. I didn't realize that you had a special blog for Noah while he has been in the hospital. I have been worried and thinking a lot about you since I found out Noah was in the hospital. I am so sorry about the news, but very glad that you did get answers and ways to help Noah on his road of recovery. I am glad that the surgery went well and that he is finally striving more and more since. Good luck and I hope to speak with you soon. Leave me a message or call me, I am here for you seriously! Love, Deanna
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