Saturday, December 29, 2007

Happy New Year

Hello Everyone!

I hope all had a wonderful christmas and I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year. Noah is striving. We have had an issue with Gas and not being able to get some gas out of him. Because if the Nissan surgery he cannot burp therefore when he has gas we have to vent him using his G Tube. Sometimes lately we cannot get it all out and he is having spells where he is in alot of discomfort. But we keep working on it and finally we can get it out for him. But the good news...the great news it WE HAVE NOT HAD TO USE THE TUBE TO FEED HIM FOR 3 WEEKS! Thats right Noah is finally drinking ALL of his bottles without a fight. In fact he is drinking more that the 100mls that he is expected to drink. More like 120 to 130mls. He doesnt want to stop drinking now. He is back to having cereal mixed with fruit now at bed time and occassionally in mornings too. He also is drinking juice because there are some days where he doesnt want to stop eatting. He has occasions now where he tries to hold his own bottles too. :) Physically therapy is working with him lifting his head...and although he still doesnt like tummy time he is doing much much better holding his head up. We are on our way! Its exciting to see hsi progress.
The rest of his blood tests come back on Jan. 17th and I am holding my breath and praying. I cannot take anymore bad news. So keep praying the prayers are working.
Hope this finds you all Happy and Healthy!