Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Where does the time go???

Noah is doing well.... He has come a long way...but it is so hard to believe he is almost 10 months already. We did that Barium Swallow test and everything came out fine. Its still intact! We dont know why he is bringing things up or burping but his surgery has not come undone....thank goodness! He is striving with Physical Therapy he had an awesome session this week. P.T. is coming in twice a week now and we have Occupational Therapy coming in once a week. He seems to be doing really well with that. He still isnt holding his head up completely on his own yet but there is major improvement!!! Im excited.
His Infantile Spasms have not disappeared we have put him on a different drug to try it, and are slowly taking him off the steroids. This new one seems to be helping but as we take him off the steriods they seem to be increasing again. Doctors say its just time...we have to find the right dosage as he comes off the steriods. Im praying that this drug works because the next alternative is injections and I dont want to put a needle into my child everyday. So please pray with me that this drug works.
He has a total of 6 teeth now!!! And seems to be more perceptive to things around him. He gives you eye contact now and looks at himself in the mirror and is smiling more and more. His trunk is stronger and he seems to hold himself better. Before long my little guy will be sitting by himself hopefully....but he is getting so big! He weighs 15 pounds 4 ounces now!!! And is something like 26 1/2 inches long..... We can actually get him into size 12month clothes (some of them) now!!!
My schooling is doing good. I recieved 90's on my first two exams! Now Im into the Medical Terminalogy stage and well thats taking me some time. Its hard to find time to study all those words between Noah and work and everything else in my life. But I need to work on that!

Well life seems to be doing good. Finally! My little guy is striving! And I pray to God every day that life continues down this road instead of the bumpy one I was following when he was first born.

We love you all!