Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Well Life has a funny way of changing when you least expect it. I was getting used to Noah being on a smooth path.....and all of a sudden today BAM!!!! lets scare the crap out of Mommy! Noah was doing Speech Therapy with his Speech Therapist at 10AM this morning, when I looked at the TV for a few seconds. When I looked back Noah's eyes were glazed over with water and he was just staring into space. I instantly knew that he was having a siezure. But then it got worse. I noticed his lips were turning bluer and bluer. He wasnt breathing. He stopped breathing for 1 1/2- 2 minutes. I called 911 and as I was talking to the women he started breathing. I had EMT's come take a look at him and by the time they got there he was ok. Thank god because it took FOREVER for them to get here. I spent the rest of the day not letting him out of my sight. Staring at his belly to make sure he was breathing. Was in panic mode the rest of the day. He fell asleep right afterwards and slept for quite some time. He woke up and drank a bottle around noon and then started rolling his eye's in the back of his head...I thought it was starting again. But he went back to sleep and slept till 2:30 when he awoke this time full of smiles and babbling. And has acted fine ever since. Im doing ok. Still emotional and stressed. I cant help but think "What happens if he is sleeping and does this I wont be there to see him." He's in the same room but I'll be sleeping. Its so scary. He has an appt with his Neurologist that was already set up tomorrow so hopefully they will do something. I called today and it didnt seem like they wanted to help much. The lady I had got fowarded to was more worried on how I got through on that line rather than Noah. I called again later in the afternoon and she said she would call back when she had got info from the doctor.....and now 7:47pm no call back. NOT HAPPY.

But other than that Noah has been doing ok. The beginning of the month he ended up having another ear infection and some viral infection. I had to give him nebulizer treatments for his breathing....I managed to keep him out of the hospital although it was close calls. When we went to the doctors office on Wednesday last week his ear infection was gone and his lungs where clear.

Finished my term. For the tough course last term "Intro to Special Ed" I recieved a B. So I was happy with that. I have this week off and next week starts the following term. Although Im only taking one course because that is all that is being offered that I need.

So...... I have officially become a Minivan- mom! Thursday I bought a 2001 Ford Windstar SEL. I didnt want a minivan at first but Erik actually made sense. He said "Noah might need to be in a wheelchair in the future and it would be easier to get him in and out of a minivan vs. a the backseat of a car. " It made sense. When I went to try vehicles out on Tuesday after work the dealer brought me for a test drive in the Ford Taurus I was looking at then said"have you ever thought about a minivan" after talking about the girls and Noah. I laughed he showed me the van, took me for a test drive, and showed me all the extras. I fell in love. I have a button that I press and the side doors open and make it easier to get Noah in the car and carry all the bags too. I love it.

Well thats it for now. Wanted to catch all of you up. Its been a while sorry.