Wednesday, June 24, 2009


So we went to Noah's Genetic appt on Thursday. His blood test came back, as all of us know, with a small piece of his Chromosome #2 missing. Researchers still do not know very much about the missing piece of genetics. They did blood work on me to see if I also have the same missing piece in my DNA. If results come back that I too have this missing piece researchers will know it runs in my family and it has nothing to do with Noah's development. If my DNA comes back normal they need to test Josh. IF we can get Josh to agree to testing and his DNA comes back with the same missing piece we know it has nothing to do with Noahs development. But if both Josh and I are normal than it could possibly play a role in the reason for the way Noah's brain developed.
So Noah spent the night in Maine Medical Center this weekend. Siezures have come back. He hasnt stopped breathing but he is having head tremors and falling asleep after and its really hard to wake him up. They observed him for the night and increased his meds, then sent us home Sunday night. I thought this was ok until we got home and he began to act like he was when I took him in. He doesnt have a follow-up until July 8th with the neurologist.
Took him to the pediatrician today because he was still having tremors and being irritable. He has also been sleeping alot. They looked in his left ear and its really infected. They prescribed medicine and said this could be part of the problem with irritation and the head tremors and that we were going to treat it this time. Because he has had so many ear infections in the past months we are hoping that he doesnt have anymore after this one. If he does have more the pediatrician is going to send us to an Ear, Throat, and nose DR and we are going to talk about tubes. But putting a child with siezures under anestesia is very risky.... lets hope he has no more.
Well, school vacation for the kids starts and my school vacation kinda ends. Next week I start back up but Im only taking one online class. I will return to school in the fall. Thinking about taking one class at school and depending on how the online class goes this summer maybe one class online.

Well thats it for now....

Monday, June 22, 2009

Overcame another bump....but still working on it!

So life has been going very smoothly lately. until this weekend. Noah spent Saturday night into Sunday afternoon back in Maine Medical Center. He was having siezures again. Thankfully he was not having apnea with these spells but he went to sleep for a long time after and we couldnt wake him up. So they admitted him for a night to observe him. Around 430 yesterday he seemed to be back to himself, after they increased one of his meds. He still seems more aggitated today and not quite his complete self but he is doing ok. Keep my fingers crossed.
He is doing very well with PT. He has to go to a PT clinic in Sanford for a couple months because our PT is on maternity leave. I was very nervous at first because usually it takes a while for Noah to warm up to someone before finally doing work for them. But first visit he worked the whole visit and was very cooperative. Today we had another visit and he worked for about 45 minutes and complained a little more but he just got out of the hospital last night.
He is doing so good lately. He wants to sit so bad. He loves to be sitting up. When he is in your arms he is pulling himself foward all the time...he is happy sitting up against the corner of the couch or chair. Its exciting to see. Hopefully we will be sitting up soon.
Im exhausted today. Saturday they didnt get us to a room until 4am and yesterday it wasnt really hitting me but I could sleep all day I think.
Well today is the day for my Genetic testing. Im super nervous. What if the test results come back and say Im the reason my son didnt develop right? I dont know. I need to know....but I dont want to know..... We will see what it says...
Grammy and Grampa Quint (Great Grammy & Great Grampa to Noah) come to Maine today. We are excited to see them.
Well...thats it for now.
Love to you all.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The sunshine is out!!!

So last week was one of the toughest weeks for me in a while. I had some health issues that caused me to be in quite a bit of pain. Tried to be strong and deal with the pain but finally ended up going to the hospital last Sunday night. Pain killers and rest was prescribed and life is back to normal again. Erik was wonderful while I was sick (like he is to me *mostly* everyday....cant get his head swelling...LOL) helped me with Noah through the nights and with anything else I might need.
Noah has been healthy the last couple of weeks (knock on wood). Took him to the doctors for a checkup on Monday and no ear infection, and clean bill of health. He is gaining weight and is so happy lately. The smiles he is bringing are so wonderful and it is so much fun. Wednesday when the speech therapist was here he tried to say "more" and at the same time brought his hands together like he was trying to sign "more" as well. So exciting. I bought him one of those mesh things that you put fruit and etc in for babies and they can chew on the food without choking on it. WE are going to try that Wednesday with the speech therapist....with strawberries.... yummy. Noah is doing very well with his head control lately. I have seen a lot of improvement and hope more continues.
His sleeping has improved lately and seems to be only getting up twice a night lately. Erik gets up the first time with him and I the second. Its nice to have the extra help. And its nice that he is sleeping more. He goes back to sleep at 530 AM usually and sleeps till 830-930 AM.
Life is good. Nice to have a break from school. Enjoying my time with Noah and the rest of the family. Kind of makes me not want to go back but I know I have to finish. So I will be going back.

Went back to the doctors on Friday. Trying to work on getting my sugars under control. Doctor put me on a different medicine. I couldnt handle the side effects to the first med. he put me on. Trying this new medicine and I really need to start buckling down on my wieght loss, diet, and excersise..... Monday I shall start.

Erik, the girls, Noah and myself celebrated Friday night. Erik and I have been together for 6 months now...cannot believe its been that long. We have had our good days, some bad days, but all that matters is that we are going strong and we are happy.

Love to you all

Love to you all