Wednesday, June 24, 2009


So we went to Noah's Genetic appt on Thursday. His blood test came back, as all of us know, with a small piece of his Chromosome #2 missing. Researchers still do not know very much about the missing piece of genetics. They did blood work on me to see if I also have the same missing piece in my DNA. If results come back that I too have this missing piece researchers will know it runs in my family and it has nothing to do with Noah's development. If my DNA comes back normal they need to test Josh. IF we can get Josh to agree to testing and his DNA comes back with the same missing piece we know it has nothing to do with Noahs development. But if both Josh and I are normal than it could possibly play a role in the reason for the way Noah's brain developed.
So Noah spent the night in Maine Medical Center this weekend. Siezures have come back. He hasnt stopped breathing but he is having head tremors and falling asleep after and its really hard to wake him up. They observed him for the night and increased his meds, then sent us home Sunday night. I thought this was ok until we got home and he began to act like he was when I took him in. He doesnt have a follow-up until July 8th with the neurologist.
Took him to the pediatrician today because he was still having tremors and being irritable. He has also been sleeping alot. They looked in his left ear and its really infected. They prescribed medicine and said this could be part of the problem with irritation and the head tremors and that we were going to treat it this time. Because he has had so many ear infections in the past months we are hoping that he doesnt have anymore after this one. If he does have more the pediatrician is going to send us to an Ear, Throat, and nose DR and we are going to talk about tubes. But putting a child with siezures under anestesia is very risky.... lets hope he has no more.
Well, school vacation for the kids starts and my school vacation kinda ends. Next week I start back up but Im only taking one online class. I will return to school in the fall. Thinking about taking one class at school and depending on how the online class goes this summer maybe one class online.

Well thats it for now....