Thursday, January 21, 2010

Things not so good.....

So Noah has come down with a HUGE rash all over his body. His face is completely covered and swollen! For the past two days I have been at the pediatricians office. The doctors are not sure if he has just a viral rash or if he is having an allergic reaction to the phenobarbital. Im thinking that it is the later. I have a call into the doctor's and the neurological doctors office. I have heard back from the ped and she is trying to get ahold of the neuro doctor as well. She is thinking we are gonna ween him off from the med. and put him on something else. AS scary as that is... he is completely 100% miserable. And I hate seeing him this way. It breaks my heart. He was up all night and screamed for 1 1/2 straight. Nothing helps.

Lets hope I hear from the doctors soon. Gonna go lay down for a bit while I have him resting.....