Thursday, March 11, 2010

Another Hospital Visit

So this month has not started out so good either. Sunday Noah started to sound really "junky" and was running a temp. I tried to handle this without going to the hospital or doctors office--crossing my fingers it was just a cold. Sunday night his stats were really Monday morning I took him to Goodall Express in Waterboro. They listened to him and took his oxegyen stats as well... registering at an 86 % the doctors decided that Noah needed oxegyen and should be brought to Maine Medical Center by ambulance to get the care he needed. He has phemonia. So we spent the night in the Barbara Bush Hosiptal.
He is home now and we are doing everything we can to get him feeling better. He is doing better but we are still struggling a little. Last night his stats dropped to 81 at bedtime. We brought him downstairs and steammed up the bathroom and brought him in there for 15 minutes. I set up his Vicks WAterless Vaporizer in his crib and we got his stats to stay at 89-90 all night. Mommy was a nervous reck all night but it worked.
I went to SMCC yesterday to get my foot looked at finally. It has been hurting me for at least 9 months but I have been to stubborn to go get it looked at. It has finally got to the point it hurts so much to put any wieght on it and it just aches all the time. So I went. Xrays confirmed that I infact have a pretty big heel spur on my foot. I go to a specialist on Monday and Im a little nervous that they are going to say its surgery time. But maybe besides my fear of needles this might be the best choice anyway so that I can get it healed as quick as I can so I can be back to my 100% self for Noah. We will see how it goes Monday.
So Today I registered for the Epilepsy Walk again. I really hope to raise more this year than last year, and Im hoping that all my family and friends from last years walk does it this year too. Here is the link to my page:Please go on and help me raise money to a cause that means so much to me and my family. And anyone interested in walking let me know you can join my team!