So not good news to start out with. Noah was brought by ambulance to MMC again this last Sunday. He had temps of 103.8 with tylenol and heart rates over 200. Chest xray revealed phemonia again. This time it was present throughout the lungs. Doctors feel that Noah probally developed a head cold and couldnt control the congestion and it developed into a phemonia. He was admitted over night for observation and given an antibiotic shot. We came home last night. He is doing somewhat better. His temp has gone down to between 99.4-99.8. He is on 3 liters of oxegyen and likes to play the game "if I pull this out how low will my stats drop on mommy" with me. Im not overly impressed. LOL! He is getting nebulizer treatments every 4-6 hrs round the clock.
His siezures are all over the place but its to be expected. Although before getting sick they really were not all that great anyway. We still have to find the happy medium between diet ratio and meds. I should be getting a call tomorrow from Boston. Talked over with the nurse about tappering him down on the diet ratio tonight and she is checking with the doctor tomorrow morning. His diet is causing him to metabolize his depekote to quickly and this med seems to be the med that helps us the most. When he was at a lower ratio on the diet he seemed to have better siezure control.
We are also in the process of getting a drug from Canada called Clobazam. Its a long process because it comes from Canada and I feel I would like to play around with the diet a little more before going more on the drug route but we are in the process to at least get it into our possesion if the diet plan doesnt seem helpful.
Right now its lots of undivided observation, lots of suctioning secretions, lots of placing the oxegyen back into Noah's nose- because he hates it there, and lots of cuddling and loving & of course stressing!
But at least he is home and for the most part comfortable!
I will try harder to keep everyone updated more often! Ok Grampa Im sure everyone is happy that you keep me on my toes about blogging! Luv you all! Thanks for supporting us! He is loved by many and expecially by his big family...I luv this photo of grammy and grampa giving him "luvs" in the hospital in Feb 2011!
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