Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Things continue to go well....

So far Noah continues to do well with the med change. He is so much more alert and I really think its helping him with his strength as well. Holding him yesterday he pulled himself foward all by himself, caught me off guard! A little coughing this morning but I think his molars are making there way down further leading to more saliva and he is coughing on all that spit. But he has been a happy healthy boy lately. And this momma is loving it.

I started back at TOPS yesterday. Not so disappointed in my wieght gain since August. I did ok. Hopefully my new-found motivation will work for me and I will start shedding these pounds... Started a exercise challenge with the family so hopefully this helps to motivate me as well... Been drinking my water so Im very happy with myself....lets hope it keeps up. I have a picture on my fridge with a saying that reminds me "I have to stop giving myself reasons why I cant and give myself reasons why I can!!!"

Well this is all I have for now. Life is still going great! Lets hope it continues!!