So Noah was doing ok until he got some sort of flu bug. We had still been having trouble with his feeds but on Friday night he started retching more often and had very loose stools. And he wasnt keeping anything down. Saturday morning he retched again and had a temp. of 100.8 and has been running a small temp since and not tolerating anything but pedialyte. Last night he did very well with the pedialyte and this morning I switched back to Pediasure because his fever had dropped and he was drinking the pedialyte very well. As soon as he drank all of the second pediasure he star
ted retching. Poor little guy. Im wondering if he could be having a reaction to the pediasure considering when he was younger he was allergic to both milk and soy and pediasure has both in it. I keep bringing this up to the doctors but they dont believe me. Im going to keep fighting.
We put Noah in his halloween costume the other night and took pictures. He looks so adorable in his costume. He is my favorite little Giraffe! And Im happy that we are home for halloween this year.
Saturday I also got wonderful news in the mail. I opened a letter from the Department of Health and Human Services and it said that my case was closed and that I was a wonderful mother and I had nothing to worry about! Phew!!! Life is going to start getting better I hope now. I cannot wait for this term of school to be done. This class that Im taking is a lot of work it feels like I have had projects for each class for 3 weeks now. It probally has to do with the fact that I missed so much school in the beginning of the term...but I dont think that is completely it because I have heard others complaining as well. I do enjoy the project and it gets me excited to have my own daycare in the future but its just my life is so stressful right now. But hopefully like I said once this flu gets cleared up we are on the right path again.
Well we love you all. And hope your lives are filled with good health and happiness!
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