Thursday, October 16, 2008

More of a mess...

So Noah was released from the hospital Monday afternoon. We didnt really get our answers to why he is like this but he does seem to be better. thank goodness... Monday was hell. The hospital came in and told us that he had lost a total of 1 1/2 pounds since we were home and that we were feeding him the wrong amount. Although what we were feeding him was the directions that we left the hospital with the last time, the amount that was given to us was wrong but it was my fault. The doctor came in and told us he had looked at the last discharge papers and what I was telling him was right BUT..... they decided to call DHHS on me and report that I was starving my son on purpose....I was not giving him the nutrients he needs and that was the reason that he is still failure to thrive.
I had also suggested that we do the Modified Barium Swallow test done again. This test was the test that showed that he aspirates the last time we had it done. I was thinking that if we had this done and it showed he had improved that we could stop using rice cereal in every bottle and this could help with the constipation issues. The minute I suggested this test the doctor was down my throat that if he was aspirating at all WE COULD NO LONGER FEED BY BOTTLE. Well I decided that I was fighting enough with all his other problems and they needed to find the reasons for why he wasnt comfortable so after fighting and fighting that day I refused the test. They tried to sideblind me by saying I needed to have the test I couldnt refuse...finally after I told them I was his mother and I had the right to refuse any test...they decided to try to sideblind me by telling me that they wanted to do the test to check his recent surgery. In which they can check by doing a regular barium test through his Gtube by which I told them they could do that test. But after telling them that they had no right to call DHHS on me and if they did I would contact my lawyer they decided that this meant we needed to be discharged.
I tried to ask the doctor if she had any recommendations for a new pediatrician because after Fridays visit he was no longer going to see Dr. Patraitis and she turned around and said "I recommend Dr. Patraitis." After telling her again he was not going back to her and asking her if she could recommend someone else she replyed with "Look it up in the phone book."
So on Wednesday DHHS showed up at our door and said the report was sent saying that I dont give my son the right nutrition and that I refused the barium swallow which was a harm to him. After explaining to the DHHS worker that he has had that test done already and we have been told that although it wasnt recommended we could feed by bottle as long as it was thickened and that my son needs his bottle. He is 17months old and has been bottle fed since birth and will not settle without the bottle. She did agree that I was right about not being able to take a bottle away from a baby who has had it since birth. At the end of her visit I was told over and over again that I shouldnt worry when she left and that she didnt see any problems. But she had to continue with the investigation of the names I released to her and the doctors but in all hopes this should be taken care of by the end of next week. I hope so. It has been a very stressful week and my stomach is turning so much that I cannot eat myself. The good news is I lost 3 lbs last week but it isnt healthy for me to be this stressed. SO keep praying everyone and I will keep you updated as often as I can.
Noah is feeling better and is almost back to himself...we are still having some issues with his constipation and fussiness but not nearly as bad as last week.
Hopefully things will start looking up and I need to find doctors that will actually listen and want to help us and not find blame that doesnt exist.


Mrs. JDM3 said...

WTF!!!! I'm gonna come and give that Dr. a piece of my mind! You need to find a new Hospital to go to. You don't need all that BS added on top of what you are already going through! If you need help finding a new Dr., let me know!