Thursday, September 30, 2010


One more thing......

We have decided to put Noah into that Preschool program it was a SUPER hard decision. But we took a tour (Erik, Myself, Noah, Grammy, Grampa, and Noahs PT Lana) it was a great experience and it would be such a great opportunity for Noah. We spoke to Noahs pediatrician about it and she was on board and thought it was a great opportunity as well. Their are risks to him going out into a environment like that but sometimes we just have to weigh the pros and cons. And we feel that this opportunity is to good to pass on for Noah. So we were hoping for this fall but the class is booked. But next Sept Noah will be a Student at Morrison Developmental Center hopefully. My little boy is growing so fast....
Ive been working again on his scrapbook (although Im three years behind) and I just remember and wonder where the time has gone....

Waiting, Waiting, Waiting some more

So 8/23/10 we did go to Boston and they did blood work ( poked him once with the needle with success...woohoo) and they said as long as the blood work came back ok Noah would be a great canidate for this Ketogenic Diet... After we heard the results we would come to Boston Childrens Hospital for four days and be admitted and start the diet. So we have been waiting for the results. While waiting I have been keeping track of Noahs siezures---- Noah has had 96 small siezures in the past 28 days! 96!! I have called Boston twice to find out the progress of this diet situation and always get told the same thing " they will call when they get the results!" Frustrating! I just want to begin this diet so that hopefully it will reduce the amount of siezures my baby boy is having. In the past few months since the increase in siezures I have watched Noah decline physically. He doesnt hold his head as well anymore, etc. Its so discouraging. But I really hope he gets accepted for this diet and Ive read such good things about it. I really hope this is the answer we have been waiting for.
AS for Noah's health besides the siezures we have had a struggling start to fall and weather. WE have been hospitalized once for a viral cold that Noah was having trouble fighting. It took him two weeks and he was just starting to sound better and look more like himself and now well, Mommy has broncitis and now Noah is running temps and getting congested again. He went to the doctor today and she expressed that because he is already been so sick and winter isnt even here yet we might be in for a rough winter.... I hope we can prove that wrong.

On a happy note I finished my degree in July and recieved my Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education. I recieved a job opportunity with DeerPond Educare at the end of August and took it. Ive been working PT as a Jr. Preschool Teacher in the facilty and love it. Its such a great atmosphere to work in and working with children everyday is great too. Im very happy with my career choice.

My love life is still going strong. Erik is so good to me. And I just love having a family to come home too every day. The girls mean so much to me and Erik does too. IT has really made my life happier being with them. They are all so good to Noah and its so nice for Noah to have a daddy figure in his life. For a while I never thought he would have that and I cherish Erik in his life everyday. Just as I cherish Erik in my life everyday too. Erik and I have been struggling with life financially lately-- but in this economy isnt everyone. But my point is sometimes that can ruin a relationship and although it has brought about our fights I think in the long run it is and will make our relationship stronger.

Keep praying everyone. Pray that Noah is a good canidate for this diet and pray that the diet at least slows the siezures if not erases them from him life all together. Wouldnt that just be wonderful.... thats what I dream about.....and hopefully one day it will come true!