Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A New Adventure! A New Journey!

WEll.... things have been slowly working for us. Noah has been given the opportunity to go to Boston and try the Ketogenic Diet. WE are crossing our fingers and holding our breaths. This is a HUGE change for us. Not only does it change his diet (formula) but we have to be VERY careful on which products we use on him. From body lotions and shampoo too chap sticks and toothpaste. It is a HUGE change but it will be so worth it if we can at least slow the siezures down.
Siezure activity has been high lately. Not only because he has been sick but even before this. Most of them have been the smaller siezures but just this morning he had a siezure and decided to stop breathing on the nurse.... hoping no more of those show up. We leave for Boston on November 2nd and are at Children's Hospital until November 6th. I really pray that this works for him. IT would be so great to see the siezures slow or stop and to see what he can accomplish without them.

This last weekend Noah was hospitalized at MMC. Another cold that he couldnt handle. He couldnt breathe through all the congestion. His oxegyen stats were dropping. We brought him to the ER on Friday morning. Immediately he was rushed to critical and we were admitted until Sunday afternoon. We came home still on oxegyen with him still not keeping his stats up without the extra help. Last night the nurse was able to take him off oxegyen around 11pm and he has been at 96% oxegyen all day. YAY! He is smiling and seems to be feeling better too. It was making me nervous that we might have to reschedule Boston but Im feeling better now!

I got a call yesterday that a spot has opened early at Morrison Developmental Center for Noah. We were told there was a year wait and Noah was on the top of the list. A opening has became available sooner. So my little boy will be going to preschool soon. We are beginning the process and hopefully by the end of November he can start. This brings a mix of emotions to me but I know it is an awesome opportunity for him. And I look foward to seeing what it brings to him.

I will keep everyone updated on the future progression of the new diet and school. These next few months will bring many changes. I hope and pray that it will bring good news to come and a healthy upcoming 2011.