Friday, August 1, 2008

August Already

So things are going good for Noah and myself. Noah is growing up so fast. I cant believe he is going to be 15 months old in 10 days. Its crazy. He is still the cuddle bug he always has been and I hope he stays that way. He has 9 (and one on the way) teeth now. He weighs 17 lbs now....Im so excited for a while he wasnt gaining but now he is. And we are progressing.
He still has trouble holding his head but is doing much better. Mommy and Noah have been playing on the floor alot lately, trying to teach him to roll. He is almost doing it himself. He will do it on soft surfaces, but not the floor. The other night I put him on the floor and walked out and he was turned the opposite way I had left him. So I stood and watched....he wont roll but he was laying there and he would pick his butt up move it and turn himself around the floor that way.
He is my pride and joy. Some days are tougher than others. Some weeks are tougher than other weeks but in the end I wouldnt change having him in my life.
Being a mother has brought me so much happiness and a reason for being on this earth. Some people ask me "how do you do it." Its not a hard answer I do it because I love him and couldnt see myself not doing it. Yes its not easy but he was given to me for a reason and he is a special little boy who I love more than I could tell anyone.
Some days I want to give up but I know I cant. Seeing him smile is what makes it all worth it. And even when I hear the word "mum" that is the best feeling in the world.
School is going good for me. I have a 4.0 average right now. Taking one class this term. Its not the most exciting class "Environmental Science" but its all the had available this term.
Still seeing Silas and things are going very well. He treats me the way I deserve to be treated. And we usually go out Thursday nights and it gives me a night to be an adult and have a little time to myself not having to worry about school or work. Its nice. And for once in a long time I'm actually happy.
Mom & Dad watch Noah alot for me now that Im working and going to school. And even though its tough for me to leave him for so many hours in a day. I Thank God for them because they are the one's Im most comfortable leaving him with. If it wasnt for mom watching him while I was at work I dont think I could leave him. He is not there responsibility and I know this and try not to take advantage of them. But the help and support that they provide are a HUGE help and I thank them and Love them so much for it. They help me to be the mother I am today. I want them to both know they are appreciated and I'm so glad that I have parents that are as supportive as they are. Thank you Mom & Dad I love you so much.
I guess that is all for now. We are doing good. Noah went two weeks without having any siezures at all. Now he is having a couple here and there mostly at night. He is gaining weight and still drinking by bottle. His lungs are great and so far we havent had to talk about feeding him with the tube! YAY!!!