Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Epilepsy Walk 2011

We will be participating in the Saco Maine 4th Annual Epilepsy Walk this year! We again have a Team Noah!!! This is a very important cause to our family. Noah struggles with siezures on a daily basis. Its a scary and stressful condition for those who suffer and the loved ones that care for those that struggle. There are a lot of days that I feel helpless for my son when we are struggling with siezures and this is one reason why this cause means so much to me-- it makes me feel like I can be helpful to my son and all of those struggling with siezures.... hopefully with the help of these walks and the funds raised they will find a cure to help with this condition!
Please help by sponsoring me and my family. Click on the link below and it will bring you to my page.... and if anyone would like to register to walk with us and be a part of our team we would love to have you.