Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Holidays

SO...... it always gets to be around this time of year and I become the world's most horrible blogger. Life has been hectic! I know its not an excuse but in my defense with the amount of sleep I've been getting lately its really quite amazing that Im still standing and getting through the day.

Noah health wise (knock on wood) has been great. We had one episode about a month ago that he had a severe ear infection and a viral infection that sent his heart rate over 200 and his tempature over 104.00 degrees and we got admitted into the hospital for 4 days. They precautioned him and thought he might have H1N1 and after many needles they finally got blood to result in a negative for the flu. We went home and became a germafobe.
So we have spent a lot of time staying in the house. I go around the house with Clorox Wipes at least once a week, and have a bottle of GermX next to the door so that when we walk through the door, thats the first thing we do.

I say Noah's been healthy...which is the truth. We are struggling with sleeping. Im not sure what is going on. Not that Im counting or anything but we have gone 23 days where we put Noah to bed at 10:30pm. He wakes at 11:30 either having a small siezure or not. Is awake for 1 1/2 to 2 hours and then is up every hour after that. Out of those 23 days he has slept through the night 3 times! Im exhausted and Erik is exhausted. I have finally broke down and called a company called MAXIM that provides Night Time Nurse help. We are going through the process and hopefully will have a nurse coming into the home sooner than later to help me at night. I have mixed feelings about this but I know that I cant keep going without sleep...Im so close to just running straight into a wall!

Family life is going ok. Stressful because we are both tired and can get angry over the smallest things. But I know we will survive. Having the big family I've always wanted is nice and I love it. Erik truely completes me and makes me happy. He is a great dad to Noah and I'm happy I opened my heart again.

SO in the event of Thanksgiving being tomorrow.... I'm thankful for having my big family I have always wanted, Thankful for Erik being my rock and love of my life, thankful for Noah and that this year I think has been all and all easier than the last, and thankful for friends, family, and all of you that support us each and everyday and make all our struggles a little more easier knowing we are loved and thought about. THANK YOU ALL! WE LOVE YOU.