Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Birthday Noah

8:51 pm Noah is 3 years old! Wow time flies by so quickly. Three years ago tonight I became a mother! I gave birth to a handsome man in my life. Although we have had MANY challenges in those three years it has been the best three years of my life. He has made me the mother I am today. My world would not be as special as it is today. He has brought tears of joy and sadness, laughter and pain. But most of all he is the sunshine of my days. He makes me smile everyday. He brings me love. He makes everyday worth living.
Three years old today. WOW!!!

Lets all pray for a happy healthy year to come!!! And thank god for the past year! It hasnt been all that bad. Some struggles but not horrible.

Today Noah went for a chest xray. We had a follow up appt with the pediatrician. Chest xray came back negative. Phew. Still sounds horriible. Will do some nebulizer treatments and some vapor baths and hopefully we will keep him from getting phemonia. But the close call today made mommy hesitant to sneak in a little ice cream cake*** we will see how he sounds tomorrow. One bite will not hurt him. ITs celebration time after all.

Doctors are working on getting him a vest that will vibrate and help him to bring up some of his congestion. They are having trouble locating a vest but are still looking.
Ears look great again. YAY!!!
Woke up this morning with a siezure but nothing major. Thank god. And the pediatrician said that she saw a new tooth coming thru on the upper left hand side. YAY! Another tooth.