Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Still at MMC

So Noah is still at MMC. He has spells where he is back to looking better and times where he still is miserable... He still is very junky in the lungs and still requires some oxegyen... They did another chest xray this morning and thought that the chest xray looked very similiar if not a little better than the one taken on Friday evening. So that was good news. They think that he probally has some viral infection and it just agrivates his airways, or they think he might have aspirated his ssecretions.
The neurologist while we were here decided to lower the dose of his clonazapam siezure med to try to help to make him more alert and see if this helps him be more aware of secretions. This is basically the reason we are here tonight...they want to make sure this change doesnt have an effect on his siezure control.

They feel that I have the equipment at home to care for him and the knowledge to know when things get to much and he needs to return to the hospital. So they doctor stated that he doesnt have to be "perfect health" to return home like some of the other children have to be. Mommy does a good job at home caring for Noah the doctor stated this morning during rounds....we are very well known on the floor. During the day Noah has nurses who are just passing by and see him back here and they stop to say Hi and find out why he is here... he is a popular boy.

Well keep your fingers crossed for tomorrow. Hopefully after the events we can go home tomorrow. Noah has the opportunity to be included in having Mrs Barbara Bush read a story to all the children tomorrow morning & then afterwards the Portland Sea Dogs are coming for a visit..... Then hopefull we will be in the car headed home...