Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The hardest days yet!!!

So Noah is back in MMC. He came here on Saturday night by ambulance because he was having trouble breathing on his own. He kept turning color and his stats kept dropping. He is now in PICU. Sunday morning they had to put him on life support because we found he was having continuous siezures which was causing him to have respiratory failure. Yesterday he was able to come off of the life support because his siezures had stopped being continuous. He is still having on/off siezures and he is still very congested in his breathing but thank god that we have overcome the continuous siezures. I have never been so scared. They had a very difficult time to get his siezures under control and we were getting close to running out of options for the poor little man. Finally at 10pm on Saturday things began to look up.

He has a central access so that they didnt have to keep poking and prodding to get blood or administer IV meds. IT makes things much simplier.

We are not out of the woods yet but are improving please keep him in your prayers....