Monday, July 23, 2012

Smooth Sailing

Noah is doing well right now... he has gone back to school for the summer program and really seems to be enjoying it. The first day of school for the summer I had to drop something off to him and he was all smiles... The nurse reports that for the most part he is staying awake and very vocal during school. Which is nice to hear!!!

Make a Wish came by last weekend and gave Noah his envelope with what wish they will be granting inside....they are going to be remodeling his bedroom...which is very exciting.... They told us that insurance may pay for the bed so if we let insurance cover the bed they would put money into more of the sensory type stuff he needs... I think we are going that root. Things should start happening with that around September!

Well...I have managed to mess up my knee which has really put a snag in our lives... Im on crutches which is difficult enough but then adding taking care of a non ambulatory child on crutches it is even more difficult. Thank goodness my girls are home and I have such a wonderful guy taking care of me when he is home too. Im going today to the Orthopedist to find out what he thinks. It either hurts when I put pressure on my foot or it pops and hurts when I put pressure on my foot. Had an MRI done last week and they didnt see anything but Im in lots of pain. I think I may have hurt it while exercising this year on the treadmill or in the pool because at first it was just hyperextending when walking and I ignored it because I see enough DR's with Noah and it wasnt a big deal. July 3rd I got up from the dinner table and my knee popped and it killed!!! and Its hurt ever since!!! So Im holding my breath as to what this doctor is going to say but ready to find out what is wrong so I can start the road to getting rid of these darn crutches!!!

Other than that summer is great. Spending most of it with the girls while Noah is in school. Spending time with the puppy who is getting big!!! And its fun to teach him new tricks! Just recently taught "PAW". So cute!!!