Monday, January 26, 2009

Milestone complete!!!

So Noah is still rolling over on the floor. It is so exciting to see him do something new. Its kinda like he heard the Dr say he wasnt going to do anything else new and "Bam, let me prove them wrong mommy!" I was so excited Thursday but at the same time I didnt want to get to excited in case it was just a one time thing. It is not. He has done it many times since. Sometimes its hard to change his diaper because he is rolling onto his tummy. Now if we could just teach him to roll back to his gets so mad when he gets on his tummy and cant get back to his back. I had bribed him with Chocolate Pudding to roll over so Thursday night I gave him some. He love it! His eyes got wide and smiles started coming one right after another. He doesnt get a lot of sweets so he was extremely happy and enjoyed every bite.
Starting yesterday he has had a temp of 101.5. Not quite sure from what but he is going to be seen by the Dr later on today. Im wondering if its another ear infection because he isnt sleeping at night either. We will see.
I have school tonight so Mom is going to take him for me. Yes new term new grades...and I want to do well.
Well need to go give my baby my undivided attention.
We love you.