Saturday, November 10, 2007

Tomorrow Is Just A Day Away!

Well finally the end is still looks good for tomorrow. We are going home tomorrow. He still isnt tolerating 110ml. But he can tolerate 100ml which in my eyes and in the dr.'s eyes (I think) is good enough. His stomach just CANNOT tolerate the 110ml. We tried to give it to him again this afternoon and after finishing it he got really upset so we went to vent his tummy to get any bubbles out and milk backed up and wouldnt stop backing up the tube until it reached 10ml. After that he calmed right down and was fine. So that tells me that duh his little tummy cannot handle it.
This poor little guy it seems like they are just interested in pushing formula into his tiny little tummy. It seems like he just finished feeding and now they are ready to put more in at midnight!
Well I wanted everyone to know we had a good day and we should be going home tomorrow. YAY!!!